Albert Einstein Macy Roberts-1st block

Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, to a Jewish family, in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany. His father was hermann einstein, a salesman who later ran an electro-chemical works, and his mother was pauline née koch. albert einstein was 8 pounds and 3 ounces and he was born at home. At his birth, albert's mother was reputedly frightened that her infant's head was so large and oddly shaped. though the size of his head appeared to be less remarkable as he grew older, it's evident from photographs of Einstein that his head was disproportionately large for his body throughout his life. His parents also worried about his intellectual development as a child due to his initial language delay and his lack of fluency until the age of nine, though he was one of the top students in his elementary school.

1894- Move to Italy

Struggling financially, the Einstein family moves from Germany to Italy in search of better work. Albert, fifteen, stays behind in Munich to finish his schooling, but soon either quits or is kicked out of his high school and follows his parents to Italy.

1895- Boarding School in Aarau

Albert Einstein fails a test that he was taking to get out of his last year of highschool, forcing him to attend one final year of high school in Switzerland. in 1896, einstein graduates from high school and begins attending eth. einstein renounces his german citizenship to avoid mandatory military service in the german army. for the next four years he will not be a legal citizen of any nation

1900- College Graduation

Albert einstein graduates from eth with a degree in physics. he tries to find a teaching job but is unable to obtain work.

1901- Swiss Citizenship and Pregnant Girlfriend

Albert einstein obtains swiss citizenship in 1901. he travels to italy for a tryst with his on-again, off-again girlfriend, milena maric, a former classmate. he ends up getting her pregnant and she gives birth to leiserl einstein, albert's first child. the unwed couple, unable to care for the girl and perhaps ashamed of her illegitimate status, put her up for adoption. in 1903 They get married. in 1904, a year after getting married, she gives birth to their first son, hans albert.

1905- Annus Mirabilis

Over the course of a year that he will later describe as his miraculous year—he publishes four major theoretical papers in the prestigious German academic journal Annalen Der Physik. The four papers include a groundbreaking new interpretation of the photoelectric effect (for which Einstein will eventually win the Nobel Prize), as well as the first published exploration of the theory of Special Relativity and the first formulation of the famous equation e=mc2.

1910, 1911, 1912

Albert Einstein's wife Milena gives birth to their second son, Eduard. In 1911 the Einsteins move to Prague, where he takes his first full professorship after many years working at the Swiss Patent Office for teaching in part-time positions in Switzerland. After just a year in Prague, in 1912 the Einsteins move back to Switzerland, where he takes professorship at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.


Albert Einstein moves to from Zurich to Berlin to become the director of the prestigious Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. His marriage to Milena begins to unravel, and his wife and children decide to stay behind in Zurich. They will never live together as a family again. In 1915, Einstein completes his General Theory of Relativity.

1919- Divorce and Remarriage

After several years of estrangement, Albert divorces his first wife Milena and immediately remarries. Einstein's second wife, Elsa Lowenthal, is a cousin who he fell in love when she nursed him back to health following a serious illness in 1917. At the close of World War I, Albert Einstein regains his German citizenship. On may 29, 1912, A solar eclipse provides dramatic observable evidence that Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is correct. Einstein suddenly becomes a worldwide celebrity.

1921- Nobel Prize

Albert einstein wins the nobel prize in physics for his work on the photoelectric effect, first published in 1905.

1933, 1936

Albert Einstein and his family, fearing anti-Semitic persecution, flee from Nazi Germany to resettle in the United States. Einstein takes a post at Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton, where he will remain until his death in 1955. in 1936, Albert Einstein's second wife Elsa dies of sudden illness.

1939- Letter to President Roosevelt and US Citizenship

Fearing that Nazi scientists might win the race to develop the world's first atomic bombs, Albert Einstein writes a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, urging him to launch an American program of nuclear research. in 1940, For the third time in his life, Albert Einstein changes his nationality, becoming a United States citizen while also retaining his Swiss citizenship.

What is he known for?

Einstein is the father of modern physics. he revolutionized the way we look at the world. these are his most famous theories:

Theory of Relativity

einstein showed that newton was right about most things, but wrong about how gravity affected very large and very distANT objects. it's actually two theories- special relativity and general relativity.

General Relativity

This states that large objects cause space to bend in the same way that putting a tennis ball on a thin sheet would cause the sheet to bend. the larger the object, the more space bends.

Special Relativity

this states that it is impossible to determine if you're moving unless you can look at another object. it also shows that measurements of distance and time depend on how fast you are traveling. this means that if someone your age goes into space for ten years and travels millions of miles, that person will come back looking two years younger than you.

Works Cited

"Albert Einstein (1879-1955)." Planet Science. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2017.

"Anyone know where i can find the birth certificate of albert einstein?" Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2017.

Shmoop Editorial Team. "Albert Einstein Timeline of Important Dates." Shmoop. Shmoop University, 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 06 Mar. 2017.

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