Where The Red Fern Grows By Wilson rawls

The book was really good because it gave you a lot of details and it made me imagine the things that were happening. It always kept me on the edge of my seat and I always wanted to keep reading. I never wanted to put the book down because it was so good. It was very suspenseful most of the time and it never got boring. I highly recommend the book to anyone who wants a good lesson and just an overall good book.

The movie was also good. I felt like I was there for the most part. It had a good life lesson in it as well. It gave me a good laugh at times and sometimes it was more serious. I felt like I could train some coon dogs because of the way it was as shown in the movie. It had very good details as well.


  • In the movie it tells about Billy finding the magazine with that had the ad about the dogs for sale and the can he finds that he holds his money in but in the movie it does not.
  • The book talks about him working non stop and in the movie he doesn't work as much.
  • In the book he has 3 sisters and in the movie there was only 2.
  • When he sneaks out in the book know one knows but in the movie one of the sisters see him.
  • In the book they fight on the street and in the movie they fight in a field.
  • in the book they don't have a funeral for Rubin but in the movie they do.
  • In the book Grandpa just tells Billy about the hunt but in the movie Grandpa has them over to announce it.
  • In the book Billy buries his dogs because he says they are his but in the movie his dad buries them.

Overall I would say I like the book more. It had a lot more details than the movie did. The movie didn't have some of the stuff that the book had. It left out parts from the book that were really explained. It changed up some things that seemed to be very important in the book. They were both good but I would recommend you to read the book.

Work Cited

Rawls, Wilson. Where The Red Fern Grows. New York, New York: Dell Laurel-Leaf, 1961. Print.

Where The Red Fern Grows. Norman Tokar. Stewart Petersen. Crown International Pictures, 1961. Film


Created with images by Rennett Stowe - "red meadow" • MichaelGaida - "dog weimaraner animal" • OakleyOriginals - "Proud Dog" • Nicholas_T - "Cherry Run Game Lands (Revisited) (2)" • qmnonic - "racoon"

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