The Moving Zone Chapter 1 - The State of Things


The second someone Googles “How to sell your house,” they’re being told you’re not worth the commission.

Just look at the results…

Three of the top four results are teaching homeowners how to sell their homes WITHOUT YOU.

You and I both know that the FSBO route is a “cost-saving” measure that ends up costing the homeowner more in the long run...but you can only wait so long for them to wise up before your income gets crushed.

The cold hard truth is that you’re no longer selling why you’re better than your competitors down the’re selling why you’re worth the fee.

And that’s a REALLY difficult thing to battle AFTER they’ve read 100+ blog posts telling them how easy it is to be a real estate agent/broker.

They’ve been told all you do is put up a few signs, set out some cheese trays, and cash do you really think they’re in the mood to hear why you’re worth 3%?

Me neither.

We both know that’s not all this job is about...but perception is reality when you’re talking to the Digital Age homeseller...and you don’t control the perception on Google’s search results.

But say you WERE able to get ahead of Google...

What would you need to say to get them to choose you over FSBO?

Created By
John Belcher

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