Emily Carr By: Kiana McCabe and Sydney Mckeel

Presentation of Tile

This painting is called " Big Raven" and was created by me in the art era of fauvism and expressionism. When I first witnessed the fortitude that the Group of seven artist had with their vision I was inspired to introduce equivalent power, emotion, and spirituality! The meaning of the painting is that the raven expresses fast approaching end of the being which means the raven is accepting its fate gracefully.

Presentation of Art Era

Era: 1900s- 1930s

This decade begin in a depression which took a toll on the souls of the whole nation that only a World War could really make a change in the reality. Franklin roosevelt dominated the decade with the presidency that brought us many Great Society programs we have today. It is different than before because in the 1920s the beginning years, the 20s went south because the Stock Market Crash of 1929.

Emily Carr's Core Belief

"The power that I felt wasn't in the thing itself but in some tremendous force behind it that the carved believed"

How did Emily fit the era?

I fit into this era because with the depression that happened before I put all that into my art work and show expressionism and I bring more meaning towards simple items for example the totem yes it's just a totem but it has so much more meaning behind it and I want to bring more remembrance of the item because soon it'll be a thing of the past.

Emily Carr Biography

Birth and Death

I was born on December 13, 1871 in Victoria, Canada. I died on March 2 of 1945 in Victoria, Canada. My funeral service was located at Ross Bay Cemetery in Victoria, Canada.


I was born by my parents Emily Carr and Richard Carr. I have eight siblings named William, Elizabeth, Alice, Richard, Thomas, John, Clara and Edith. I was the eighth child to be born out of nine children.


After my parents died I went back to England to deepen my studies, where I spent time at the Westminster School of Art in London and various studio schools in Cornwall, Hertfordshire, and Bushey. After that I spent a year studying at the Académie Colarossi in Paris and elsewhere in France before coming back to Bristish Columbia permanently the next year.

Life Story

I grew up with my brothers and sisters in a very well maintained home where discipline was taught. I was orphaned in my early teenage years after my mother died when I was 14 and father died when I was 16. I experienced the pleasures of drawing as a child. I travelled to many different places in my life to advance in art and see what was out there. By the late 1930's I suffered from a series of heart attacks and found it harder to travel. I then focused more of my time on writing books based on my experiences while traveling the world.

Art Story

I started my training as an artist in the late 1800's at the California School of Design in San Francisco. Little of my work survived during this time but I still worked on studying oil painting and watercolor. In 1893 I returned to my hometown of Victoria, Canada to make a living as an art teacher. I was introduced to outdoor sketching in the late 1890's. In 1907 I travelled to Alaska with my sister where we got to see the poles of the northern First Nations which seemed to have changed my focus of art.


"Emily Carr." Vancouver Art Gallery. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Jan. 2017. <https://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/collection_and_research/emily_carr.html>.

Shadbolt, Doris. "Emily Carr." The Canadian Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Jan. 2017. <http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/emily-carr/>.

Vancouver art gallery . (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2017, from https://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/collection_and_research/emily_carr.html

The art history archive . (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2017, from http://www.arthistoryarchive.com/arthistory/canadian/Emily-Carr.html


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