DUCK DRIVE A transportation app for UO Freshmen


Team 1 collaborated to make a transportation app for University of Oregon Freshman. Many freshman are new to the Eugene area and don't have proper orientation of the city. Most can't afford to bring a car with to college. This app will eliminate the need for freshman to buy a personal car and hopefully transport new students from place to place safely.


  1. The University will provide cars or vans to transport students just as they do for SafeRide and DDS.
  2. This app will make these types of services more easily accessible to students
  3. Duck Drive will provide more rides throughout day and night, opposed to Safe Ride and DDS, which only operate at night, opposed to Safe Ride and DDS, which only operate at night
  4. This will help students get where they need to go in the Eugene/Springfield area that isn't accessible by bike or foot.
  5. Finally, this will eliminate the need for personal cars as freshmen.


We believe the following personas represent potential users for the Duck Drive.

Duck Drive will help UO freshman get oriented to the city of Eugene.


The following presents the ideation process for Duck Drive. The six team members came together with a list of ideas of what potential users might find helpful.


The following two pictures storyboard a potential scenario for the Duck Drive app.


The following is a basic wireframe for the Duck Drive app.


Following the wireframe, the team came up with a basic design for Duck Drive.


Created with images by Jason Spaceman - "My car" • jjorogen - "University of Oregon" • jjorogen - "University of Oregon" • jjorogen - "University of Oregon"

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