The Death Penalty's Fatal Punishment By: The Editorial Board

How does the death penalty in America end?

This is an attention - getting lead.

Can Federalists annihilate the one death row problem for years to come?

This is an attention - seeking lead.

1. What: This article was written about the death penalty.

2. Who: This article was written by The Editorial Board.

3. When: On January 16, 2016.

4. Where: In Manhattan, New York.

5) Why: This article was written to support why the death penalty should be permanently removed.

6) How: The author is feeling very agitated about this topic, and agrees that it should be banned infinitely.

The justices may not grant Ms. Walter’s petition (others are also expected to be filed in the coming weeks), but they can no longer ignore the clear movement of history. They already have all the evidence they need to join the rest of the civilized world and end the death penalty once and for all.

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