Ankita Kedlaya The Journey

I come from Bangalore, India. It was a huge step for me to come study and pursue my passion in the United States. I am golfer and I'm extremely passionate about this game. There were many schools that wanted to recruit me but I chose the one school that I thought, would be most suitable for myself and my game. I was fortunate to have gotten such a great scholarship to play for the ETSU Women's Golf Team. As an international freshman here at ETSU, I have already learned and experienced so much! It's hard being away from home as I do miss my family, the food and the general atmosphere but I never did feel homesick. I believe, that is why most people love Johnson City. It's such a friendly and peaceful town.

Enjoying life to the fullest!

Like I said before, golf is my one and only true passion. Although, besides golf, I enjoy doing many other things. I love to play sports and I'll play just about any sport. I guess you can say that this was the result of having a twin brother. I also do enjoy almost all types of music. I really do love animals whether mammal, reptile, aquatic, etc. I enjoy watching and learning about animals. I always wanted to be a zoologist when I was young although now it looks like I'll be heading towards the path of a professional golfer. I think the coolest thing about playing golf is that you get to travel all over the world for tournaments. I was lucky to have traveled to many different countries and experience so many different cultures, traditions and meet new people. My two favorite places that I have been to so far would be Kenya/ Africa and east - Australia. From travelling and experiencing new things, you learn to become a more open-minded person and I'm very fortunate to have incorporated this from a young age. I believe that my journey is just getting started and I can't wait to see what the future holds for me.

Thanks for watching!


Created with images by Pexels - "ball fairway golf" • udithawix - "Landscape at Badulla" • LoggaWiggler - "taj mahal mausoleum agra"

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