organization is the key to good grades by: gia giannantonio

Organization is the easiest and most motivated way to keep your day stable and to improve your grades. I am a person that likes to stay organized and likes to be prepared for anything I have to do. Keeping organized is the best and easiest way I have learned to help me with this and I hope sharing some of my strategies with more people will help them as well as it did for me.

step one: Use a planner to write down all the dates and times of your tests, homework, or school meeting you need to attend.

step two: Keep all of your papers in a separated binder, separated by class courses and keep the papers you get in date order.

step three: Have a separate binder or plastic bin at home with all your previous tests, quizzes, study guides, or note cards so if you need, you can look back for extra practice or information.

step four: Always be prepared so make sure you have pencils, paper, notebook, or whatever you need for the next class before you enter the classroom.

step five: Always be on time so have all your homework done before you go to bed and possibly your clothes out for the next day so you don't have to worry about running late in the mornings.

Studies are shown that staying organized is a easy and fast way to improve your grades and make your day a little brighter. Doing the smallest things such as keeping a planner, or making sure your prepared can change your whole prospective of how you learn. Following or doing some of these tips, you will see a giant impact on your grades and less time fooling around with your classmates trying to find something you have misplaced or forgot.

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