Recognizing and Revising Self-Talk Patterns COMMON EXHIBIT FOR LEARNING OUTCOME #1

My Reflection

Your Inner Voice understands its connection to the All There Is and feels the oneness of all creation.

After I have practiced revising my self-talk and focusing on cultivation of an inner guide, I realized I needed to engage in the process of getting to know myself in a deeper way (mind, body, spirit), in order to understand my inner voice. If I take the time to listen to my inner voice, I would most likely have a better understand of my goals for the future. My inner voice is tailor to me and its purpose is to gently guide me through my life lessons. The mind, body and spirit together transcend the total life experience and can give anyone incredible insights. One of my problems is I don’t take the time to understand my inner voice. I had a problem trying to identify my inner voice because it is something so easy to look over since it does not shout, it speaks from a point of silence deep within you. In my life, I could not choose just one inner voice as my “default” setting. Depending on the situation I can exhibit characteristics of the inner critic, inner defender and inner guide. Ideally I would like to change this and just handle situations like a inner guide. I would do this by understanding the part of me that can see the bigger picture and helps guide me towards my true life expression. What do I like? What are my interest? I would put this knowledge into practice in the future by choosing a career because it interest me instead of salary.


Created with images by johnyksslr - "chairs sit architecture"

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