Jacqueline Casey Graphic Designer

Born on April 1927 in Quincy, Massachusetts, Jacqueline Casey had a number of jobs, including work in interior design and advertising after graduating high school. In the year of 1955, she was recruited by Muriel Cooper to work at the Office of Publications at MIT. In 1972, Casey became Director, taking over this position as her Muriel joined the MIT faculty. While she worked as Director, Casey became known for designing distinctive publicity posters while working with Ralph Coburn and Dietmar Winkler.

People said that her posters generally had a striking image with informational details in small text. She often used typographic wordplay and visual puns in her work. Casey's work is held in the permanent collections of the Library of Congress, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and the Cooper-Hewitt Museum. The MIT Museum mounted an exhibition of Casey's graphic work, also the Rochester Institute of Technology has a collection of 99 posters.

Casey has won the following awards:

- William J. Gunn Award, Creative Club of Boston. 1988.

- Honorary doctorate of fine arts, Massachusetts College of Art. 1990.

- Appointed by the late President Bartlett A. Giamatti of Yale University to the Visiting Committee of the Yale School of Graphic Design.

- Member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale and of the American Institute of Graphic Arts.

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