Digital Autobiography Rick Lage

My earliest memories of interacting with digital technologies are playing video games with my grandmother on our family's CRT TV and looking up information about those games on our dial-up internet connection.

When I began attending school the main constituents of digital technology were the overhead projectors used to assist with lessons and the desktop computers that were mostly utilized for keyboarding classes.

As I progressed through school, overhead projectors were replaced with projectors and document cameras along with other technical modernizations, but structural, pedagogical change would come much slower. As my peers and I matured our technical education shifted from, an introduction to hardware use, to a more vocational approach to learning. we were instructed on how basic computer literacy is valuable in business context.

As someone who always had an interest in computers and their applications my exposure at school was hardly satiating. At home I was experimenting in python, assembling my first computer, and continuing to play video games with my friends.

(the tower above isn't my actual late-middle school tower, but it's pretty similar) '

The high school I attended was a public early college program. Many of the classes offered at my high school were taught online and every student was assigned a laptop. These factors resulted in a relatively high sense of digital literacy throughout the school, which enabled the instructors of face-to-face classes to implement more interactive digital assets into course work and their various teach-ing methods. Things like blogs and discussion boards allowed for further exploration and inquiry outside of the classroom and of the bounds of the material covered. Assets like a class site allowed for benefits like quick and efficient sharing of re-sources and a vast reduction of time spent grading for instructors.

Thus far my collegiate experience has been one with relatively a smooth integration of technology. It is typical and expected that students and instructors both have, at least, basic competency with network operations on computers. Instructors utilize many of the same types of assets as earlier (online resource distribution and submission as well as many other benefits associated with having a course sight) and have most notably introduced technology that can facilitate interactive learning even in larger settings by using things like survey tools and other input devices. Another benefit of these types of tools are that if students are using their phones and computers to interact with their course material they are not being distracted by other media on those devices. Moving to college, i had also been able to save up to purchase my own laptop and become more familiar with OSX.

As my relationship to education continues to change I have no doubt that my relationship to technology will continue to change, and I hope to remain as dynamic in future environments as I have been in the past.

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