What does business want from the Budget? @CBItweets #Budget2017 submission

Ahead of next month’s Budget, the CBI is calling for the Government to prioritise stability in order to build greater prosperity across the whole of the UK

This Budget comes at an important time for the UK economy and just weeks before the Prime Minister triggers Article 50...

...and firms face heightened economic uncertainty

The CBI welcomes the Chancellor’s move to one major fiscal event a year and looks forward to working with the Government on the details of its modern Industrial Strategy

To do this, firms have key policies that they want to see the Government announce...

To bolster the UK’s productivity over the long term, a focus on education and skills, is the key to improving people’s life chances across the whole country

Reform the UK’s outdated Business Rates regime, by bringing forward the switch from RPI to CPI uprating to 2018/19

Use the Government's review into R&D tax credits to increase clarity and certainty for firms claiming the credit

Introduce a supercharged credit to bridge the gap between research and commercialisation in the development process

Commit to a funding plan for technical education reforms for 16-18 year olds, as detailed in the Government-backed Lord Sainsbury review

Learn more information on all the CBI’s #Budget2017 recommendations

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