The Underworld United Creators: Maxwell, Will, alec, and Dylan

We are a civilization based underground in the Bermuda Triangle. We maintain peace. Our motto is: "Extending peace one tunnel at a time."

We are divided into four sectors and a capital. Each sector is an individual season, whereas the capital changes seasons. Our total population is 1250 people, 250 in each sector. It is 50 square miles in diameter.

We have a dome made of indestructible material that we refined from the ore underground. The dome protects us from disasters.

We do not tolerate racism nor violence. If you do happen to break the law, you will receive two verbal warnings, 2 written warnings, and finally removal of community.

We recieve our energy from utilizing the geothermal energy of the Earth. We also use solar energy so we can get Viatamin D.

We are technologically advanced, so we have a tree for all our hunger needs. It produces all of our necessities for growing. We also have an aquifer which we use to get water.

We tolerate all forms of religion. Our church has multiple floors for multiple religions.

Our schools are required until you hit college. If you attend college, which is optional, chances are you will get a better job. Our population has a 99% literacy rate.

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