The Harn Art Museum Isabel matt

Technique of the Artist

John Chamberlain was known for taking metal from old cars and aluminum foil to create large, abstract sculptures. By just looking at the picture, the sculpture looks like a spray-painted, oversized balled up piece of tin foil. Some would even consider it trash. But standing in front of the piece it looks like something completely different! As you walk around the sculpture, you can see that Chamberlain took his time and carefully crafter every bend, nook, and wrinkle. He used these aluminum sculpture as a form of expression, and what one's man trash is another man's treasure. This piece spoke to me because like so many things in my life, the artwork looks so simple at first look, but we can find a deeper meaning when examined.

Design of the Museum

I really enjoyed this part of the museum because it combines the beauty of nature and the modern architecture of the building. It took my breath away when I walked to the back of the museum and saw the light streaming in from the floor to ceiling windows and the garden

Art and Core Values

"Family" by Agustin Cardenas is an abstract sculpture portraying two parents and a child sitting on their laps. One of my core values is Love, especially familial love. My family means the world to me, and I would not be the same without them. I love this sculpture because the bodies of the figures are very hard, menacing, and almost robotic looking. But the parents are leaning into each other and the child sitting on the lap gives off an aura of affection and love. It reminds me a lot of my family dynamic- my father is in the military and seems harsh and mean on the outside, but is the most affectionate and supporting person I know. I also am reminded that there are so many different types of family dynamics, and they all should be cherished.

Art and the Good Life

"Funeral" by Stuart Robert Purser depicts a family at a funeral- Purser was known for painting basic human experiences, such as baptisms and funerals, and using them to say something about life. He grew up witnessing the social injustices and inequality between middle-class whites and African Americans. Death is inevitable, and everyone will eventually lose someone they love. No matter your race, religion, background, social class, or gender, all people experience this part of life. It is unifying and universal, which I believe is special. I believe this painting represents unity as a theme of The Good Life.

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