Africa By Giovonni Plascencia

I want to visit the Serengeti in Africa. The Serengeti is a geographical region located in Tanzania and extends into Kenya, it spans 12,000 sq mil. It hosts the largest terrestrial mammal migration in the world. The Serengeti is home to Lions, leopards, cheetah impala wildebeests etc.

I want to visit Devils pool. Devils pool is a naturally occurring pool that forms in the Victoria falls, people can go in the pool during September- December when the water is low because there is a barrier that forms so people don't fall off. This place is very beautiful because you can be inside of a waterfall and watch it fall hundreds of feet down.

I want to visit the Nyungwe forest because I have never been in a rain forest and all my life if wanted to go in a rain forest. The Nyungwe forest is home to many different types animals such as Monkeys , wild cats , and snakes. You can also walk across a bridge over the giant forest canopy.

I want to visit Mount Kilimanjaro because it is the world’s highest freestanding mountain at 19,341 feet. I want to try and hike this mountain because it seems like such an Amazing challenge to climb the highest mountain. The other reason i want to climb this mountain is the amazing views of Africa I will be able to see.

I want to visit the Pyramids of Giza because they are one of the ancient wonders of the world. I feel that it would be such a wonderful experience being amble to see giant structures built thousands of years ago. I also want to go on the tour to go inside one of the pyramids and explore the infrastructure of the pyramid I am sure I would be amazed of what people could do thousands of years without modern technology.


Created with images by WikiImages - "africa continent aerial view" • N. Feans - "Lusco e fusco / Dusk" • SarahDepper - "Devils Pool - the top of Vic Falls"

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