Why the warriors won't win the NBA in 2017 The most hated team in the nba

The Warriors in 2016, the most dominant team in NBA history?

Last year the warriors achieve the best record in NBA history (73 wins and 9 losses). It seemed to be the year in which a new dinasty was born, repeating the championship for second year in a row. Everything was going as expected, until they face the thunder in the conference finals.

The Warriors won because the Thunder lost focus

After they won the series, they face King James and the mighty Cavaliers in the finals. This time, it was the Warriors the ones who held the 3-1 lead, the championship was one win away but...

The Cavaliers turnaround the series and won the championship, ending the Warriors dreams of starting a new legacy. This opened Warriors to sign the best freeagent of the league.

Kevin Durant signs with the Warriors

The forward Kevin Durant, from the OKC Thunder, signs with the warriors during the summer market. This move, enraged the whole league and the Warriors (along with KD) became the most hated team in the NBA.

Everyone thought the Warriors would win everything
So what can go wrong?

Everyone bet the Warriors as champions from the begining of the season, but there are multiple factors that can make the superteam a complete failure

The lack of big men

In my opinion the most important factor, since the league is continuosly growing in size, with really skilled players, while the Warriors are becoming smaller (with big players without the technical skills)

The clash of egos

With the new roster, the team has to give enough minutes and scoring possibilities to the four star players (Curry, Thompson, Durant and Green). There have been already some notorious arguments between Durant and Green, and probably this will increase as the Playoff come closer.

The bench

The second unit players are not really strong unit, since the salary for the big four players take away most of the team flexibility.

The Cavaliers

The Cavaliers are a really cohesive unit, with great players and team chemistry. Moreover, they have included some key players to help in their weaker points

The evidence

Right now the Warriors are first in their conference, but showing some signs of what can be the greatest bust in NBA history. They have already lost the same number of games as the last season and they are showing the


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