Jean Bullant By: Morgan Koellmer

Jean Bullant was born in Ecouen, France in 1520. That is also where he spent the majority of his life. As he got older, he studied abroad in Italy. He was an architect who created many different works such as the Constable's Chateau, Régle générale d’architecture des cinq manières de colonnes, and tombs. He also created several chateaus. One of his patrons was named Catherine de Medicis. One of his many great works was the church os St. Accuel. It was created in the 16th-17th century. It is not in a book or a museum, because it is a building itself. It is located in Ecouen, France.|search|1|jean20bullant|Multiple20Collection20Search|||type3D3126kw3Djean20bullant26id3Dall26name3DAll20Collections26origKW3D

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