The Holocaust anti-Semitism & The American Homefront

Nazi Propaganda

Who Is Involved?

Adolf Hitler is the Führer, the rank of which no one can overrule, and has established a Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda headed by Joseph Goebbels. The countries Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Germany have been threatening, beating, putting forced labor on, and killing Jews in concentration camps.

What Happened?

Hitler rose to Chancellor, to President, then to Führer; and spread the ideals of National Socialism - among them racism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Bolshevism against the Jews. Hitler is criticizing, threatening, and killing Jews and encouraging it from all around Germany and other territories he’s taken.

How Did It Happen?

Hitler established his Ministry (see above), the aim of this ministry was to deliver the Nazi Message through art, music, theater, films, books, radio, educational materials, and the press. Propaganda campaigns were tolerant of violence against the Jews.

When Did It Happen?

This happened in November 9, 1918 to September 2, 1945.

Where Did This Take Place?

This took place in Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, the city of Nuremberg, Auschwitz-Birkenau killing center, Theresienstadt camp-ghetto.

Why Did It Happen?

"Propaganda tries to force a doctrine on the whole people... Propaganda works on the general public from the standpoint of an idea and makes them ripe for the victory of this idea." -Adolf Hitler, 1926

He used this to message out anti-Semitism and create the Aryan Race. And as Hitler said, that it encourages and inspires them to take action to success.

The Final Solution

Who Is Involved?

The countries Ireland, Sweden, Turkey, Great Britain, Germany, and Poland were involved in this action. Adolf Hitler established this program of this "solution" that he created German Killing Squads/Concentration Camps at Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, etc. For killing, beating, and putting into forced labor, of Jews.

What Happened?

Hitler created ghettos to where they segregate Jews from the rest of the population. Then they were taken to concentration camps, where they were put into forced labor, and/or killed by gas chambers or being shot. Some who were in the forced labor were killed by sickness, starvation, or if they couldn't work anymore, they would be killed.

When Did It Take Place

This took place during November 9, 1918 to the end of World War II

December 8, 1941 - First killing center begins operation.

June 22, 1941 - Killing squads accompany German invasion of the Soviet Union

January 20, 1942 - Wannsee Conference and the "Final Solution" in Berlin

Where Did It Take Place?

This took place in Ireland, Sweden, Turkey, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, and Berlin.

Why Did It Happen?

Hitler wanted to create the Aryan race; to "perfect Germany". The Nazi's thought that this race was the best and strongest race, and that the Jews were another inferior race, so inferior that they were not even considered to be 'people' by the Nazi's.

How Did It Happen?

Once Hitler overtook Poland, he established ghettos over there. Where Polish and western European Jews were deported to these ghettos. Where during the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, mobile killing squads (Einsatzgruppen) began killing entire Jewish communities by shooting or gas vans. After the Wannsee Conference, the Nazis began the transporting Jews from all over Europe to six extermination camps established in former Polish territory -- Chelmno , Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Majdanek. About three million Jews were killed by gas chambers in extermination camps. The victims in the extermination camp, Chelmno, are killed in the gas vans.

The Holocaust Denial

Who Is Involved?

Many people who just hate Jews. Example: Iran President Mahmound Ahmadinejad. And the 150,000 Jews who returned to their homelands from the concentration camps and who were threatened, homeless, beaten, and killed by the Deniers. (Page 91)

What Happened?

They claimed that films, books, and testimonies from the Holocaust Survivors were over-reacted. Even after the war, anti-Semitism was still there, many homes were destroyed, Jews were beaten, threatened, and killed by the Deniers. (Page 91)

When Did This Happen?

After World War II and even today in some places, it is still happening. (Page 91-93)

Where Did This Take Place?

This happened in Poland, Germany, Iran, Bosnia, Rwanda, Chechnya, America, etc.

Why Did This Happen?

They are generally motivated by hatred of Jews, they build the claim that the Holocaust was invented or exaggerated by Jews as a part of a plot to advance Jewish interests.

How Did This Happen?

Many denied that the testimonies, films, and books were exaggerated, some claim that even executioners were fabricated, and some say the Holocaust never happened (Page 91). Some say that Hitler was the best friend of the Jews and he worked actively to protect them. Some of the people who worked at the concentration camps admitted that they murdered thousands of Jews, but the Deniers wave it off, they still claim that it never happened.

Jews that came home after World War II that survived the Holocaust, weren't greeted with open arms, some Jews found that their homes have been destroyed, and some returned to Poland where some threatened or killed Jews.

"Rosie the Riveter"







Women's All American Baseball League








  • Harper Owens - "Rosie the Riveter" & Women's All American Baseball League
  • Anya Thomas - Nazi Propaganda, The Final Solution, & The Holocaust Denial



Created with images by Vince Alongi - "Holocaust" • DonkeyHotey - "Keep The Bargain"

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