Religions of Ancient India By: Aiden Castillo

Hinduism: is one of the oldest religions and it's the third largest religion
Brahman: it is a spirit from Hinduism
Reincarnation: is also called rebirth of the soul
Karma: according to karma people's status in life is not a accident
Dharma: it is personal duty
Buddhism: is one of the worlds most known and done religion. Most people worship him even tho he isn't real they live in South Asia and North Asia
Nirvana: is not a place it is a spirit people worship
Jainism: arose in 500 B.C there are a lot of people that follow it
Gandhi was a great leader and person

People would worship by fasting and to worship him


Created with images by PinkMoose - "jesus" • Peggy_Marco - "india figures hinduism" • AmberAvalona - "ganesh black and white photo mantra" • NGi - "buddha meditation rest" • kevin dooley - "Tree of Life" • nevil zaveri (thank you for 10 million+ views :) - "dharma, mahabalipuram" • sasint - "พระ umbrella eat" • Freeimages9 - "asia background bangkok" • dalbera - "La grotte jaïne Indra Sabha (Ellora, Inde)"

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