Science Review

Science to me is a study of something. They can study outer space they can study that because we have space ships.they can also study the human body they can study this because they use dead body to study the body. They cant study ghost because they cant prove its real. They also cant study like the future because they are not that advanced yet.
Animals need water, food, shelter, grow/change, reproduction, and energy. Some structures are good ears, good nose, long legs, and good eyes.
i consider a model to be a virtual object that represents something. They might not be able to get the real thing. Or they don't want to waste the thing.
A system is a group of similar things working together. This as to do with the human body because we have a group of organs working together.
A computer is a system because all of the wires are working together to work the screen and keyboard.


Created with images by PublicDomainPictures - "experiment chemistry liquid" • Alexas_Fotos - "fuchs wildpark poing animal" • NASA Goddard Photo and Video - "Blue Marble 2000" • crackdog - "Internal Organs of the Human Body from The Household Physician, 1905" • Picography - "notebook laptop work"

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