Florida Museum of Natural History CJ Kaplan

Photo Credit: CJ Kaplan

I found the butterfly exhibit to be particularly appealing because I was surrounded by nature. All the different colors from the plants and the butterflies was so aesthetically pleasing to looking at. I especially loved the small pond in the center. Being by the water is very calming, so it set the mood for the experience I had. I didn't know beforehand that butterflies eat human food, like bananas, which you typically don't see when they are photographed in pictures out in the wild. I was able to listen in on the tour guide talk about the different butterflies as well. It was very crowded, yet everyone was amazed at the purity and serenity of their surroundings.

Photo Credit: CJ Kaplan

While going through the butterfly exhibit, I felt very calm and was breath taken by the beauty of the nature. I sensed a feeling of appreciation for the way nature works, and is so simple but powerful in affecting moods. Even though I am scared of butterflies, and all bugs. They were very pretty to look at, and it made me happy to see them comfortable in their habitat. This gentleman in front of me had a butterfly attach to the his leg in the beginning, and proceed to walk the entire exhibit with a limp, so he wouldn't hurt the butterfly if he bent his knee to walk. I was appalled to see this action by a stranger. He cared so much about a simple butterfly, and it's well-being. As visitors, we were allowed to walk through and observe them in their natural habitat. I think it is important to preserve nature and not use it just for economical reasons because it has such a greater effect on people than money can. Money can't buy happiness, but nature can--for free.

Photo Credit: CJ Kaplan

The Natural History museum helps us step outside our daily lives because rarely are we ever surrounded by so many butterflies, and nature where we are meant to observe, and take absorb it all. As humans in today's society, we are a constant, fast pace group of people and rarely do we stop time to look up at the beauty surrounding our lives. By stopping to just stare at the actions of the butterflies, and the flow of the stream and the sweet scent from the flowers makes you appreciate the simpler things in life. Understanding how all these parts, and how their purposes make the world function is part of the mystery of the world. Two creatures co-existing in a habitat, but still respecting each others space in one room is just something I don't think I will ever be able to comprehend.


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