Meniscus Tear Sports med ii

  • A Meniscus tear is a tear in the cartilage of the knee and its a common knee injury.
  • A Meniscus tear occurs when an individual twists or turns quickly mostly when their foot is planted. Meniscus tears often occur while playing. As you age your meniscus will tear easier.
  • Symptoms of a meniscus tear varies with the type of tear. Symptoms for a minor tear includes slight swelling pain which can go away in 2-3 weeks. Symptoms for a moderate tear can cause pain at the side or center of the knee when you twist or squat. Swelling worsens 2-3 days after the injury. Symptoms for a severe tear include pieces of the tear moving and causing your knee to pop or lock.
  • The menisci is the main thing affected by a meniscus tear. The patella, femur, or tibia could be affected by a meniscus tear.
  • If an athlete plays through the tear the symptoms are more severe and can often lead to surgery being required.
  • Assessing the injury, you will have to palpate along the joint line of the knee while applying little force to check for pain in the patient. Another way to assess the injury is to have the patient flex their knee or do squats to find discomfort or pain.
  • What activity were you doing to get pain in your knee?
  • May you show me your knee?
  • Can I check your knee for swelling or pain?
  • Can you perform squats or flex your knee?
  • Your doctor will ask if you have a history of knee injuries and what you were doing when your knee began to hurt. They may also physically examine your knee or get MRI tests done.
  • Treatment for a meniscus tear involves nonsurgical and surgical treatment.
  • The nonsurgical treatment involves rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE).
  • The surgical treatment involves surgical repair to sew the tear together. Partial menisectomy which involves removing the torn section.Total menisectomy is an option to remove the whole meniscus but its avoided because it can lead to osteoarthritis in the knee.
  • Protective equipment for a meniscus tear would be knee braces or crutches depending on the severity of the injury.
  • Rehab for this injury depends on your age, the severity of the injury, and health status.
Created By
Kallel Brown

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