An NHS Merger A Health IT Service strategy Project

AbedGraham was recently invited to partner with 2020 Delivery Ltd, a leading UK transformation consultancy providing services to local government and healthcare organisations, in order to provide advisory services for a proposed major NHS trust merger project.

The NHS: An Evolving Challenge

The NHS is one of the landmark institutions of the British public sector providing comprehensive clinical services across the spectrum of health and social care.

An ageing population, increasing chronic disease burden and restricted budgets requires a novel approach to increase efficiency whilst maintaining service quality.

Enterprise health information technology projects and organisational mergers are seen as key to managing the service demands of the NHS in England.

Our Expertise is the NHS

At AbedGraham we have trained, practiced and advised extensively within and about the NHS and its focus on information technology. Our expertise of the NHS is based on a nuanced understanding of:

  • The Health and Social Care Act 2012
  • NHS Information Board Standards
  • The NHS Standard Contract
  • NHS England, HSCIC, Monitor & CQC
  • Clinical engagement management
  • Workflow mapping
  • IT implementation & benefits realisation
  • The devolved national health systems

Our Methodology

Working with 2020 Delivery, our team conducted a series of interviews with a range of organisational stakeholders and leaders from the board to frontline level. This involved an analysis of the key challenges associated with previous information technology transformation projects and implementations at clinical, operational and financial levels.

A granular critique was then proposed of the NHS trust's information technology strategy in relation to its proposed merger with its neighbouring healthcare system. This process identified a series of questions and prospective recommendations related to benefits realisation, return on investment planning and user adoption at scale on the clinical frontline.

This was completed in conjunction with a review of the latest NHS England and HSCIC central government policies related to information technology procurement methodologies and national mandated information technology objectives.

"Efficiency and productivity are key to the sustainability of the future NHS. Our focus on both with enhanced clinical engagement set this project on its path to success." (Dr Saif Abed, Founding Partner, AbedGraham)


Created with images by jinliangyang - "hard drive metal hardware" • Seattle Municipal Archives - "Doctors with patient, 1999" • NEC Corporation of America - "NEC-Medical-51" • nuzree - "clouds sky blue sky"

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