The Travel

Dom and Scott were chilling in the clouds called Relaxation cloud. While they both are relaxing they saw the color of the cloud change colors by white to dark gray. Dom said " Where precepting " Told dom ,What does precepting mean". Scott questioned. " It means we're a cloud rains,sleet, snow or hail" Dom asked.

" Are we in a Ocean" asked Scott, "Yes" Told Dom. Dom and Scott where stuck there for almost their entire life. "What's happening" Scott questioned, " we are evaporating ". "What's that", " It means when water changes form to a gas or vapor

Scott wounder what was happening he felt like he was sinking to the bottom. " What's happening to us" said Scott, " we are infiltrating the ground" said Dom. " What's that suppose to mean"? Scott asked , " its like when you are gettting sucked in from the ground" explained Dom.

"Whoa whoa" Shouted Scott. " we are running off a mountain" Dom told Scott, " what do you mean Dom" questioned Dom, "it means when we were at the mountain we were melting so we ran off the mountain and ended down here"

Scott and Dom were transpiring into the roots of the trees. "What's happening" said Scott, "We are transpiring to the bottom of the tree called roots" exclaimed Dom.

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