Edvard Munch Kira oswald Drawing and Painting Pd.2

"The Scream"(Left), "The Day After"(Bottom Right), and "Young Woman on The Beach"(Top Right)

Edvard Munch was a Norwegian painter who was born on December 12, 1863 in Adalsbruk, Norway, and died on January 24 1944. He was a painter and print-maker. One of Edvard's most famous works is "The Scream" painted in 1893. Munch intensely focused on psychological themes. These built some of the tenets of late 19th-century Symbolism and influenced German Expressionism in the early 20th-century. He had great periods of Expressionism, Symbolism, and Modern art. He went to the Norwegian National Academy of Craft and Art Industry.

"The Stand"

My piece shows a woman standing on the bridge similar to the setting of "The Scream". It represents the social issue of bullying and how it brings people to an all time self-esteem low and a point of loneliness. My piece is called "The Stand" and it shows clear contrast and blending. My art is made of oil pastel, acrylic, and watercolor pencils. My sister inspired this work because she wrote an article about cyber-bullying. "The Stand" expresses a social issue and shows some traces of happiness and sadness, as i had planned. My goal as an artist is still to show my talent, but to also to use many creative styles to do so. This piece did help me achieve my goals by showing more styles to me. I learned better blending techniques, more styles to use in my artwork, and more material mixes to use. The final piece isn't exactly as a expected, as i wasn't planning on using acrylic. "The Stand" has taught me to use more styles and materials in my artwork.

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