Brigham young university Located in Provo,ut

Ten majors that are offered at BYU are civill engineering,drawing,education,graphic design,journalism,law,linguistics,music pedagogy,social worker, and writting

Sports at byu are basketball, cheerleading,foot ball,golf ,gymnastics,lacrosse,racquet ball,rugby,soccer,softball,swimming and diving,tennis,track and field,volleyball,cross-country running

There is no Greek life and students live dorms.

47%,$12,335 yes, 68% 1150-1370,30,221 and 14,356,45% female 55% male 16%

The most popular major is Exercise physiology. The most popular past time out doors Is to climb the Y. Foot ball is the most popular male sport and soccer is female.Byu was founded on October 16,1875 the mascot is cosmo the cougar.

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