Florida History Museum By: Michael Tolentino

I enjoyed seeing the butterfly exhibit the most. The butterflies were positioned in cases on the wall and I appreciated how easy it was to take in all the different types of butterflies.The exhibit caught my attention because of colors. I love vibrant colors and the various colors of the wings. These are the details that drew me into the exhibit initially. However, what really enticed me to look at the butterflies was the layout and how they were displayed. The display allowed for an easy browsing of the exhibit. It helped me learn that the shiny luminescent colors of their wings and the vibrant colors they have are there to allow for a cool optical illusion and protect them from predators.This medium allowed me to take in the display all at once and learn something new.Overall, the most enjoyable thing at the museum was the butterfly garden. I have never seen so many active butterflies in one spot. There were hundreds just eating or flying onto objects and people. It was incredible.

butterfly display i describe above
me at a butterfly display

I was able to experience the museum just as Leopold describes. The museum made me feel as if I was more with nature and less of a "conquer of lands" but more of apart of a "biotic community". It made me feel as if I was apart of something bigger then the developed world we live in. Especially in the butterfly garden, I felt the elements. The breeze, the heat and the splashes of water from the pond. In the museum, I felt the different environments consume my senses. I saw how sea mammals such as manatees lived and how amphibians reacted in their tropical environment. I also observed others and based on what I saw, they reacted in a similar fashion as me. The children and even the adults were in awe because Florida nature lacks a lot of the experience you get from visiting a natural museum.The museum allowed everyone of different ages to experience both the past and present nature. It gave visitors a chance to see just how drastically our world has changed.From my experience, personally, I feel that my understanding and appreciation for nature has become deeper. I am more ready to protect the wonderful things that are given to us and not squander natures beauty.

The natural history museum lets us step into the shoes of animals and of other cultures. The native american exhibit was so deep that I felt the culture consume me with emotion. With the animals, I felt like I could live their lives and I got to experience the purpose of each creature in the museum. The museum makes you re-evaluate your life and ask yourself if you are justifying the beauty of nature with what you do with the resources it gives you.The museum makes you appreciate how much nature does for you with the very little you give back to nature.

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Michael Tolentino Tolentino

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