Maria's Booklet


We walk to a room known as a cafeteria. When in the this room we are using indoor voices, sitting in our seats, and eating.

Using the Cafeteria

When you get to the cafeteria if you are buying lunch from the school you will stand in the pick up line quietly and pick out what you want for lunch. When you get your food, you will then pay for your lunch and find a seat.

When your teacher return to pick you up then it is time for Recess!


A free time for students to play with their friends. A break from learning.

Recess is 15 minutes every day after lunch. Activities include playing on the swings, tag, slides, and just running around.


When entering the library remember to use quiet voices, always use your walking feet, and be respectful. Look around for your favorite book, if you need help you can ask the librarian (bibliotecario) and they will help you find a book. Remember whenever you want to borrow a book always have the librarian (bibliotecario) see it.


Remember when you leave... the table and floors are clean, you push in your chair, and you lineup at the door quietly.


During dismissal it is important to remember where you are going. You could be riding a bus, walking home or waiting to be picked up by mom and dad. Always make sure your teacher sees you go to where you are going.

Adam Raynes, Abby Newman, Caroline Martinez


Created with images by Soft Surfaces Ltd - "Playground multi colour wetpour design" • ThoseGuys119 - "School Bus #28"

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