Beginning Drawing Portfolio By:

Whitley is a name you will never forget just like many art pieces. I want to take my first year and expand. Art is a wonderful career that I would like to pursue. In the reality of it all I would like to become a cosmetologist this allows me to use my creative brain. Instead of putting it on paper I can put it on faces or I could use art elements and hair such as texture, shape and size. Art and cosmetology I believe go together expressing oneself through a form of beauty. Begin drawing showed me that art is something that I'm passionate about it makes me happy. over the last nine weeks I really found myself and I have never been happier in my entire life. I have learned many things about myself. In the class I learned that not everybody has what it takes, having fun is what most of its about. You can tell in the classroom who takes it serious and who doesn't. The people do take it serious are willing to grow and develope. I have learned that is not what you think it is it's actually the reverse instead of drawing its erasing and looking at things from a different perspective. Not drawing what you think you see but drawing of what you see and you find things that aren't perfect, perfect and everything makes sense. This may not make sense to you but that's okay. You might have learned something else.

This is an important learning tool. Blind and upside down show you all the values that we don't know that is there but really is. Your looking at value and what to start with. I think of contour a reference point that help with the crosshairs for all positioning reasons.
A concept used to focus on the smaller picture. For me it was to focuse on what is important and what needs the most detail.

Are positive and negative drawing irrelephant?

Our first project all year
I think it turned out "Okay". I was really able to make sure i used my contour to help find where to use negative space around the index finger and thumb.
Get you good side!
This is one of my favorite pieces. It looks exactly like only thing that is not my favorite is the hair towar the end it was just an awkward transformation.
Stippling is all value and pattern. Getting a rhythm for the dots took a long time. I wish I would have drawn it out more and tried different practice patternes and been more balanced in gradually going from dark to light or vise versa.
I valued all my time to attempt this one.
Hold still this might take a while. In our case one whole week.
Not my favorite but a good technique and perfect timing for understanding shadows and depth perception. Balance for shadows was hard. There was so much going on and I would have taken this back and would have focused on one specific point and used better texture and form.
Be careful
Texture in the fur to show that it was soft and fluffy depended on how light I scratched my board. The lighter the light the more fur or more valued. In the face it's almost all white because the face was bare and I tried to show where the fur started to come in. Should have been more gradual.
Vanishing point is crazy hard and confusing but turns out cool. You use the points to perportions right.
"But first let me take a selfie"
Size and location is what a self portrait is. I learned so many techniques. There are 5 eyes across the face. Everything lines is with the eyes fro the most part and you get to focus on yourself and how beautiful you are and this the the piece I am most proud of.
I usually only use ribbon for my hair.
Shadows are hard and to be perfectly honest I could have done better if I would have used more values in how the ribbon snapped the letters.

In life I will come arcos a lot of challenges. I will always want to change and fix my pieces but any art piece is never finished. There is always something to improve on. What I wanna continue to focus on is being more exact with texture. I know there is a lot to it and I get lazy and I hope to change that and next time I should do the hair upside down and try it. I can't wait to see what art class will take me next.

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