our planet is burning a photo project by Katie Hinders, zach staton, & max stockdon

a student checks the weather on his phone because it is 67 degrees out on February 23rd and like...what the fuck is that all about?
some misguided daffodils attempt to bloom because they have been misled by the uncharacteristically warm weather in the middle of mcfreakin' winter - they'll never make it
two old fools take a stroll in some fucking ridiculous hats they think will protect them from the rays of our sun
some idiots making the best of our planet slowly boiling in some sort of cocoon
a young man showing off his lower legs with a shit-eating grin that says "we are destroying our ecosystem, but who the hell cares? shorts!"
the ball of hot gas that is million miles away but is still somehow making its way through our weakened atmospheric forcefield and causing our temperate weathered state to be HOT IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER


pictures taken on Nexus 5x by Katie Hinders

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