Bulletin 23 Civitas academy

Superhero writing den!

Congratulations to our shining stars!

Sophie in Gruffalo class

Kekaha in Paddington class

Lara in Elmer class

Jack in Pinocchio class

Well done to all parents!!!! So much effort went into the class character's costumes!! The children and staff had a fantastic day and we hope the Reception children enjoyed their book start Kitchen Disco' free book! Follow us on twitter to see photos 😃
World Book Day 2017
Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

We are using this song from The Lion King to dance to, sing to, play instruments to and mainly enjoy making rediculous sounds with our voices! Do join in!

Can we remind parents that it is not safe to park on the pavements outside the school as many of our families have pushchairs and if they cannot get through they are forced onto the road with little ones.

Reception parents (and Year 1 if you like) this is a great interactive resource to support maths learning at home. Do ask your teachers about it at parents evening!

Mrs Southern one of the teachers in Gruffalo class will be away for a few weeks whilst she recovers from a minor operation. We wish her a speedy recovery and look forward to her returning.

This is an example of a phonics screening test. I thought it would be useful for you to see the types of words that crop up in the Year 1 screening test in June this year.
This is what the children see. The 'aliens' show the children that these are made up words but they still have to sound out the words and blend them. back together.

PE returned back to normal on Monday

No Tuesday clubs as year 1 are returning at 3.45pm from the marwell zoo trip.

Year 1 Marwell Zoo trip on Tuesday 14th March- returning at 3.45pm. Please collect from the class room as usual.

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