Was Industrial Development a Blessing or a Curse? Sara Reed hour 7

Industrial Revolution was something that many people back then couldn't decide on whether it was good or bad. It was a process that increased manufacturing, and caused more and more children and adults to have to work in hard conditions. Samuel Slater was the founder of the textile cotton industry. He designed and made new machinery to help with the process of factories. Even though he made new technologies that helped most people, the Industrial Revolution was a curse because it had many bad working conditions, it increased slavery, and also cause child labor.

Bad Working Conditions

These hard working slaves went through many tough conditions. They would have to work in the dark because there was no electricity. They could barely see what they were working on, and if they messed up, or didn't execute their job as ordered, they would get yelled at, and possibly told to start over. They would have no air conditioning, so in the summer it was extremely hot, and in the winter it was very cold. The slaves had little to no breaks during the day, and wouldnt get paid enough to support themselves, or families if they were together. Their working environments were very diseases prone and unsanitary. If they were sick, they were still required to come work like everybody else. This caused more and more diseases to spread.

Increasing slavery

During the Industrial Revolution, there was a major cotton boom that seemed to be such a great outcome, and a blessing for everyone. But this was actually a curse for most. The cotton boom was so big that more slaves were needed to get the job done. Slavery increased by multitudes once this happened. After a while, they did get biietter tools and technology to help work go faster, but they still needed more slaves to to keep with the work, and get what was needed done.

Child Labor

Child labor was another big reason that Industrial Revolution was a curse. Befor the machines were created, the children were very much needed in order to get the work that is needed done and to provide enough support for themselves. Children could get clothing, and food, and anything they needed. The children got paid 10 cents while the others were paid about a dollar to 2 dollars. They would have to work just as much as everyone else. The factories were very dangerous, and not a safe environment for little kids.

Works Cited

abor and Industrial Law. Image. Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 3 Feb. 2017. school.eb.com/levels/middle/assembly/view/171159. Accessed 8 Mar. 2017

Cunnington, Trevor. "Industrial Revolution in Europe." N.p., n.d. Web

"Industrial Revolution." N.p., n.d. Web. http://school.eb.com/levels/middle/article/Industrial-Revolution/275053

Interior Design." N.p., n.d. Web. http://school.eb.com/levels/middle/article/interior-design/275071#202769.toc

Slavery: slaves picking cotton." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 8 Mar. 2017. school.eb.com/levels/middle/assembly/view/182300. Accessed 8 Mar. 2017

Slave. Image. Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 3 Feb. 2017. school.eb.com/levels/middle/assembly/view/186183. Accessed 9 Mar. 2017.

"Slaves." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 9 Mar. 2017. school.eb.com/levels/middle/assembly/view/203162. Accessed 9 Ma

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