Great Alaska Explore the untouched wilderness

Living off the grid in Alaska is a dream many people have, but only few are brave enough to take the huge leap of faith and do it

Yentna River – Upper (for sale)

About 25 miles up the Yentna River from Skwentna is where you will find this "Little Homestead Setup". Large owner Cabin, kids or mother in law Cabin, a Barn, Shed; it is all there, including the moose, bears, etc. not to mention the Great fishing. A little Paradise in the midst of wilderness

if you are thinking of moving off the grid, their are tons of properties like the one above that costs $200,000 for 40 acres of land!! 40 ACRES!!!

So why is it a new thing to live in remote areas.

Well who wouldn't want to live of the grid, you dont have to worry about traffic or getting to work on time or picking up the kids from school.

you're alone out there and its beautiful, go back to the way our old folk were, fending for themselves, hunting and gathering.

make the choice, you'll love it.

Come to a place where few have wondered, but those who have, tell countless stories of beauty and serenity
Endless views of beautiful rolling mountains

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