The Great Migration By: Kenny Nguyen

"Sowing" William H. Johnson 1940. I chose this piece because it shows how families survive in the South. The artist give me an emotion of sad and happy because they are probably not making enough money, but at least they have a job.
"Employment of Negroes in Agriculture" Earle Richardson 1934. This is another piece showing families in the South.
"Men Working" Loïs Mailou Jones 1937. I chose this piece because it shows how men had the harder jobs in the South. This piece make me feel motivated because those men are hardworking, just like me.
“A Boy Named Alligator” Kathleen Blackshear 1930. I chose this piece because it shows how kids worked too in the South. The artist make me feel the character struggle.
“School's Out” Allan Rohan Crite 1936. I chose this piece because it shows how segregation was a big thing. That is a school for colored people.
“The Janitor Who Paints” Palmer Hayden 1930. I chose this piece because it shows how some people in the show are creative.
Violence and the Migration 1920. I chose these pieces because it shows people trying to move to the North without getting caught.
“The Fugitive” John Steuart Curry 1935.
“Familia Del Mar/Family of the Sea” Tony Gleaton 1940.
“During the World War there was a great migration North by Southern Negroes.” Jacob Lawrence 1940.
“And the migration spread.” Jacob Lawrence 1940.
“Jeunesse” Palmer Hayden 1927. I chose these pieces because it show what African American people did after they moved North.
“Minnie The Moocher “ Cab Calloway 1931.
“Blues” Archibald J. Motley Jr. 1929.
“Jitterbugs (II)” 1940 William H. Johnson
“Gamin” Augusta Savage 1929
“Into Bondage” Aaron Douglas 1936
“Mural of Sports” Joseph Rugolo 1937

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