App journal Elthon González A01570314


  • Facebook: I downloaded this app because, i want to know about what´s going on with my friends. Facebook is good for many things and it has become an indispensable app.
  • Whatsapp: I downloaded this app because, I want to talk to my friends and make groups of friends. Whatsapp is very useful because you can talk to your friends whenever and wherever you want.
  • Instagram: I downloaded this app because, I want to see interesting photos and also because I can upload my own photos. Instagram is profitable because i can see photos of my friends, artists and besides my family.
  • Netflix: I downloaded this app because, I want to see movies on my cellphone. Netflix is useful because you can see movies anytime.
  • Spotify: I downloaded this app because, I want to listen to music without downloading it. Spotify is efficient because I can listen music anytime paying a monthly subscription

Lesson 2

Brainstorm: I want to make an app that can be useful for blind people, that you can interact with easily and so that you can find out about the things that are happening around you, plus you have sensors to tell you if you are approaching a certain place or if Is going to stumble

Lesson 3

The apps are designed for the entertainment of children, who can interact with mobile devices and learn interactively, children are the people who downloaded the app. In my opinion, the apps do meet the needs because the children interact easily in these.

Lesson 4

  1. Facebook.
  2. Spotify
  3. Whatsapp
  4. Netflix
  5. Instagram

Son faciles de usar porque tiene funciones que hacen que posible que las personas adultas y los niños puedan utilizar la aplicacion y se puedan entretener.

Lesson 5

What problem or purpose does each of them address? Can the problem or purpose really be solved with an app? I think that my app will enable students to improve their academic performance.

Can the problem or purpose really be solved with an app? If the students use it correctly there could be an improvement in the academic aspect and they could be taught to be responsible.

Will your app will be disruptive? It wont be disruptive.

What can your app do better than any other app? It will be an application that helps the student to improve.

Lesson 6

Student reminder

Student reminder logo

My application will make the students improve their school performance, they will be able to remember what they were assigned to do, the projects that they have pending, they can organize to be able to study in time for their exams. They can contact their teachers for any questions or ask them to have any of their activities, tasks and projects.

I plan to make this app because young people are the future of Mexico, and therefore have to make them have a better school performance so that they are prepared correctly.

Lesson 7

What we are going to use for the application we will design will be: camera and touchscreen, so that the student can interact with other students and be able to navigate within the application with the touchscreen

Lesson 8

In my app I am going to implement a feedback system in case the application fails and to be able to fix the bug immediately, I will also put a punctuation for the user to feel motivated to use the app, besides that the user could customize The appearance of the app, to make you feel comfortable.

To use the app will ask the user to register to have a better experience, however, can be used without being online.

Lesson 9

I would improve many of the pocket schedule (app found in the app store) such as: I would put it free to the public. Browsing in the app is very complex, so I would improve the way the tools are accommodated so that it is easy to use and the user feels comfortable, besides that I would put the cost of the app is $ 30 MXN.

What people are looking for in this app is that you can add files or images to the assigments, as well as task reminders are displayed in days, not numbers.

Lesson 10

In my app I am going to implement a feedback system in case the application fails and to be able to fix the bug immediately, I will also put a punctuation for the user to feel motivated to use the app.

Lesson 11

Pocket schedule

This logo is really appealing to me, because it calls you´r atention.

Hour of code activity

Created By
Elthon Gonzalez

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