Animal Testing on Fish Are you with animal testing?

These fish are happy living together.
Fish deserve to live freely in their natural habitat.

Many animals are being tested every year for different reasons,such as fish.

These fish are living like any normal fish would.

Did you know that 3.5-7 million fish are used as testing experiments annually the U.S.A?They use fish because they are small and inexpensive.Fish are used as toxicity testing subjects.Fish are the alternative animals for small animals such as mice and rats.

This is a Zebrafish.
Fish are the alternative for small animals such as fish and mice.

Many fish are used as cancer experiments.Sadly ,about 94% of experiments fail.Zebrafish are the most common testing subjects.

Fish are used as experiments for human products.

Usually,sharks can be tested on too.

Dolphins are used to test their brain.Researches learn how a dolphin's mind works.

Zebrafish are the "fish of choice".Researchers prefer fish because they provide simpler systems for a complex process.Researchers don't care if the fish is in pain.So the fish suffer silently.

This fish is fast like Speedy Gonzalez!

So the final question is:Are you with animal testing on fish?

This presentation was made by Adriana,Nancy,Amy, and Abi

Created with images by skeeze - "tropical fish underwater" • ptc24 - "Fish" • Lawrie83 - "fish" • Pardee Ave. - "Fish" • Kapa65 - "fish aquarium underwater" • Schoggimousse - "underwater fish atlantis" • ptc24 - "Fish" • Napolean_70 - "Danio with parasite shot 2" • Meditations - "animal attractive beautiful" • Survivor - "fish seafood silver" • PublicDomainPictures - "shark fish hammerhead shark" • Claudia14 - "dolphin marine mammals water" • Horia Varlan - "Question mark made of puzzle pieces" • Sponchia - "fish aquarium speed"

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