
Pulse Emotional IQ for your inbox

Introducing Pulse

As a leader in your organization, you most likely get inundated with feedback emails and messages about the company, ideas, projects and other organizational initiatives. With Pulse, you can use the power of AI to understand the emotional footprint of your email inbox. Save time, quickly scan how people feel about key topics and take action where it matters.

How does it work?

  1. Connect your Office 365 account - authorize Pulse to securely scan emails that you receive.
  2. Once connected, the Pulse dashboard will give you a birds eye view of emotions and sentiments embedded in key topics hitting your inbox.
  3. To track an email, simply ask your audience to use a #hashtag in their message's subject.


  • Specific Feedback: Gather feedback and sentiments on what is important to you. #townhall, #christmasparty, #benefits, #strategy
  • Individual Feedback: Gather feedback on your performance and goals. #leadership, #communication, #teamwork
  • General Feedback & Comments: Gather feedback and/or comments on any topic that is important to you. #hoursofoperation, #customerservice, #dresscode
  • Idea Corralling: Gather and get a birds eye 'feel' of new ideas. #iPhone8, #Safety, #Revenue, #CustomerPortal
  • Climate Survey: Gather sentiments about the organization, leadership, your team, and your role. #culture, #collaboration, #values, #change.


Created with images by Elijah O'Donell - "Hello autumn"

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