Nostalgic Memories By Rhea Mehta

Essential Question:

Progress Journals: "Does memory, especially in the form of nostalgia, limit knowledge?"

Journal Entry #1:

What is the main point about your WOK that you want to make in your badge project?

Firstly the way of knowing badge we decided to work on is Memory. As a group we thought that the theme of memory could be very knowledgeable and we can come up with good project ideas. As a group we haven't really collaborated or brainstormed any ideas for our project, but as I was reading in the textbook I came up with a few ideas. There are many aspects to memory we can play around with.

-Show people pictures of something and they have to recollect an experience they had and how they related it to the picture. Then compare the different memories and see if their are different types related to one picture

-Memory game of some sort

-Have some kind of technology/social media message about memory and do a live case study on students

-Talk to a teacher regarding a memory disorder (alzheimers dementia)

-Eye witness example and analyze it

-Ask people about certain things they should know and test their memory

Journal Entry #2:

After collaborating with my partners we came up with a good idea that will showcase our knowledge of memory. Our essential question will be, Does memory, especially in the form of nostalgia, limit knowledge?. We thought of including three short videos of Diego and Caton and Kait; they will talk about a time in their past which gives them nostalgia. Then in the end I will explain how nostalgia limit our knowledge. We will talk about how knowledge is limited when we compare all the videos to each other.

Diego - Video Nostalgic Moment

Kait- Video Nostalgic Moment

Caton - Video Nostalgic Moment

Rhea - explain essential question

Journal Entry #3

What did you learn today about your WOK? How prepared are you for your Badge Project? What's left to do?

Today, we decided to tweak our project presentation. Instead of creating a video of our memories, we decided to just show and tell to the class the major details of our dialogue and spend more time answering our essential questions. Kait will still talk to her sister about Oslo, Norway and now I will talk to Nina and Jamie about our IASAS experience. Afterwards we will compare them and use these accounts to help us answer out essential question. Today I learned that less can be more, and we shouldn't always rely on powerpoint to present our information. As a group we are quite prepared for our project. We just have to do our assigned tasks today and put it together. So far we are on schedule and should be done by tonight, so tomorrow all we have to do is rehearse it once. What we have left to do is just video tape our accounts about our nostalgic memory and after that put it together and rehearse how we will present it to the class. Since we're not showing a movie to the class now, we should probably write a brief script so we know what we are talking about and aren't completely clueless on the day of.

Journal #4

Overall, I think our group did an exceptional job on this project. We presented our knowledge of nostalgia and memory in a very logical way. It turned out to be the way we planned it to be. I think the use of our powerpoint gave the audience a visual so they wouldn't get bored by just listening to us talk the whole way through. We showed them pictures of our memories so in some way or the other they could relate or another memory of theirs could've sparked off from the pictures. I really enjoyed learning about the memory way of knowing because its very important to every day life and everything in a way relies on memory.

Our Plan and Script:


Kait - record when she's home

Rhea - record at lunch


End of Tuesday: We have all of our "data"

We will Skype and summarize is together

Wednesday @ lunch : we will rehearse our project once

After school we will study for our quiz


Our group decided to chose Memory as our WOK

The essential question we focused on is "Does memory, especially in the form of nostalgia, limit knowledge?"

Nostalgia is a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.

We did an activity where Kait talked to a nostalgic memory with her sister Kris and they accounted down their experiences and thoughts

Rhea did the same with her friends Nina and Jamie who experiences similar memories

Kait: explains her memory and connects it to the question

Rhea: I related my memory to Singapore and IASAS. Jamie and Nina had similar experiences and they remember it as a happy memory. When we all lived in south east asia we remember it as a happy place where we had freedom and culture. The culture we experienced was similar since we all lived in south east asia. Jamie Nina and I remember this place as the best experience we’ve acquired so far in our life.

This nostalgic memory limits our knowledge because we all relate south east asia as a happy place so we don't think of the bad things that occurred then.

Videos and Presentation:

Definition of Nostalgia:

[no-stal-juh, -jee-uh, nuh-]

a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time.

Video of Kait and Kris:

Dialogue between Rhea, Nina, and Jamie

I related my memory to Singapore and IASAS. Jamie and Nina had similar experiences and they remember it as a happy memory. When we all lived in south east asia we remember it as a happy place where we had freedom and culture. The culture we experienced was similar since we all lived in southeast asia. Jamie Nina and I remember this place as the best experience we’ve acquired so far in our life.

Rhea: So when you think of IASAS schools how do you feel.

Jamie: It was always a happy environment and everyone interacted with each other

Nina: Like the best part of my life. I enjoyed each and every part of being part of an IASAS school

Rhea: It was so much fun when we’d all meet together and compete in the sports.

Nina: Ya but at the end we’d all be together and encourage one another.

Jamie: We became an IASAS family. and now every time its always such a conversation starter.

Rhea: I always ask anyone who lived in South East Asia if they attended an IASAS School. Like at Village itself we have Rohit you guys Ahmed Greg Marwan and so many others

Jamie: I wish I could go back. It was always a happening place.

Nina: Houston is so boring compared to there. We could go out and have a different kind of freedom

Rhea: Everything always felt happier there

Jamie and Nina together: oh my god yes.

Nina: It felt so different there and a different kind of happiness.

Jamie: The place was just so good I wish I could go back

Rhea and Nina: SAME


Extension Proposals:

I thought this Ted Talk was very relative to the way of knowing: memory. Our essential focuses on how memory limits our knowledge and this Ted Talk talks about how memory is reliable. So the relation between the two makes this Ted Talk worthwhile and is informative.

In our presentation we also discussed about how people are obsessed with memories and how this is an example of nostalgia. This article talks about memories and how memory affects nostalgia and how it is the reason behind many memories.

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