Missouri By: Leah Goebel

Location Details

Missouri is surrounded by eight states. Which are Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska. The Mississippi River, White River, Arkansas River, and Missouri River are all located in Missouri. The Mississippi River runs along the east side of the border of Missouri. Missouri is part of the Southeast Region. Taum Sauk Mountain is a mountain in Missouri. The Ozark Plateau is located at the bottom of the state.

Where Missouri is on world map


Missouri was the twenty-fourth to be admitted to the Union, in the year 1821. Roman Catholicism was brought by French missionaries to Missouri. When Europeans and Americans arrived in Missouri was populated by the Yankto Nakota, Ponca, Omaha, and Tetan Lakoto. Lewis and Clark sailed on the Missouri River at the beginning of their expedition in December 1803.

Lewis & Clark expedition

Cultural Information

The largest religious group in Missouri in 2004 was Roman Catholics with 844,102 people. Many different cultures have developed along the Missouri River for 2,500 years. Transportation in Missouri people use railroads, airline, and vehicles. Livestock that citizens grow in Missouri is soybeans, corn, grain, and wheat. For fruits and vegetables they grow apples, peaches, grapes, watermelon, and potatoes.

Livestock in Missouri

Things to do

In Missouri there is a historic role that's called the Gateway Arch. The Gateway Arch is six-hundred thirty feet tall. There is a tram to ride to go to the top and look at a great view. There is also and European-style castle that caught fire in 1942 and can look at the remains. Missouri has a park that is called Ha Ha Tonka State Park that is 2,697 acres long. it has fun attractions including sinkholes, features springs, caves, a natural bridge, and underground streams. The St. Louis Forest Park is 1,293 acres. When at the park you can walk around the park, ride bikes, use paddle boats, or a segway. The park is bigger than New York Central Park. St. Louis has tons of activities and attractions. At the Dogwood Canyon Nature Park there is waterfalls, big herds of buffalo's and elk, and trout streams to look at. The park is 2,200 acres. At the park there is a bridge that is decorated by Amish artisans. The biggest lake in Missouri is the Ozarks lake. There are rental boats to drive around in and also can catch nice fish. Ozarks was formed in 1931. There is a Dam called the Bagnell Dam in Ozarks, also called "the strip."

Created By
Leah Goebel


Created with images by davef3138 - "St Louis Arch"

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