quiv we are stronger when we work together

the mission statement for this utopia is, more hands make light work. we believe in cooperation of all people and when we work together we lift each others burdens

policy rules

  • the appropriate food amount will be given to each family anyone who steals will be arrested until further justification.
  • everyone has to right to work/contribute to the community, and everyone should work, if not they will be of no use, and expelled from the community or moved to a lesser job.
  • abuse to anyone/anything is not tolerated anywhere or anytime in the community. the consequence for this action will be severe depending on how hurt the victim is.
  • violence is not needed, simply apologize for your action whether than cause more problems with your fists
  • money will be based on how hard you work, and your expirience
  • everyone will have a basic needs of survival
  • everyone has access to healthcare
  • everyone is treated equally no matter what religion, race, gender, etc.
  • basic education is required any other schooling will depend on your decision
  • everyone should have time to relax and enjoy the outdoors and have free time everyday.

my utopia will be located in a place with perfect temperature and every possible landscape you can think off making it easy to pursue your interest anywhere.

a typical day in my utopia

  • wake up
  • go to school/work
  • do your schoolwork/studies
  • freetime
  • go to bed

the type of government for my utopia will be a democracy, because power of the people is always a good option.

my utopia is a place where everyone participates and is welcome, everyone ia included and organized.


Created with images by skeeze - "clasped hands comfort hands"

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