Newsletter 2016 Q4 PROSTHETIC apac

Dear Customers,

Welcome to our last newsletter for 2016. What an exciting year we have had in Össur.

Össur has launched its prosthetic solutions early this year to simplify our product selection. Products wise, we have presented our brand new Pro-Flex feet family; Pro-Flex is the world’s first foot to provide proven protection of the sound side. Along with our Pro-Flex feet, we have added many other new products to our product portfolios, our improved weatherproof Rheo Knee 3, Rheo Knee XC that enables users to go anywhere, D/P Flexion which offers up to 9° of dorsi and plantarflexion, Icelock 544 series.

We have welcomed medi prosthetics and Touch Boinics being proudly part of Össur. The acquisition of medi prosthetics enables Össur to take another step to complete its prosthetics offering and further strengthen its global market position. The acquisition of Touch Bionics allows Össur enters into the upper limb prosthetic market enabling the company to offer a complete bionic product portfolio to the customers in the prosthetic industry.

A true advocate of “Life Without Limitations”, Össur has launched and completed two phases of #MyWinningMoment, a contest that celebrates mobility by inviting amputees to share their stories. Beside that Össur was seen in many exhibitions, seminars and social events.

In this specific last quarter, we have welcomed our brand new Cheetah Knee to Össur Sport Solutions. It is a perfect knee for running and sprinting. Please explore more about Cheetah Knee in the below section.

We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a fantastic and Happy New Year. Thank you for your continued support in 2016 and we look forward to working with you in 2017.

With warm regards,

The Össur APAC Prosthetic Team


The Cheetah Knee is a lightweight polycentric knee with 3-phase hydraulic swing control, specifically designed for rapid flexion and extension for running and sprinting. The polycentric design offers good stability in stance, allowing for controlled deceleration enabling users to participate in a wide range of sports activities. Although not specifically designed for walking, Cheetah Knee’s K-bar geometry facilitates stability in the stance phase, which makes it possible to walk and easily transition from walking to jogging and/or running.

  • Polycentric knee, designed for high activity such as jogging, running
  • K-bar geometry for increased stability in stance
  • Hydraulic swing control to support rapid flexion and extension
  • Soft extension bumper


The below products from Össur are discontinuted. We advice you to use a PH balanced, 100% fragrance and dye-free soap and/or lotion instead.

Iceross Clean & Simple Lubricant Spray (Part#: S-610250) is still available which is a nessary product in order to use Össur Iceross Seal-In liners with ease.


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