Florida Natural History Museum Jessica Panicker

Nature on Display

Rounding the corner of the museum, it was hard to not fall in love with the Mangrove Forest exhibit. A natural sound emulating the scenic piece played, causing me to feel as though I had stepped foot onto an actual Floridian mangrove forest. I especially found this piece enjoyable because it reminded me of my hometown in Florida. Through this medium, I learned how essential mangrove forests truly are. They are home to many birds, bees, and flowers and they also provide several natural resources including salts. The mangroves also act as a natural protectant from erosion, storm winds, and waves.

In the top photo, there is a close up of the informational displays on Mangrove Forests. In the bottom left photo, I captured a section of the exhibition. In the bottom right photo, I take a selfie next to the display.

Nature and Ethics

After touring the stands centered around Native American culture and lifestyle, I believe that I was able to understand what Leopold meant when he called on us to live as members of a biotic community and to respect the land. Without destroying their surroundings, the Native Americans used the resources from their environment to assist in their lifestyle. While walking through this exhibit, I could not help but compare our treatment of the land versus the Native American's treatment of the land. We destroy our environment and other habitats in order to capture and capitalize on Earth's resources. The Native Americans seemed to be able to sustain their culture simply by taking what was needed. Ethically, it made me want to encourage a stronger push of conservation of land, resources, and natural habitats.

In watching other people's reactions, I could not tell if they thought the same things as me but I am sure they could appreciate ingenuity of the Native Americans as well. The Florida Natural History Museum does an excellent job of displaying exhibitions so that they can evoke this appreciation. Some halls have spotlights on each work, centralizing and drawing attention to the each one.

In the top photo, the dynamic of the Native American culture is captured by mannequins and a backdrop. In the bottom left photo, I am taken back in time as I learn about the Native American culture. In the bottom right photo, the information stands teach viewers about the "Chiefly Exchange" as demonstrated by the display.

Nature and The Human Spirit

Like a movie or television show, a trip throughout the Florida Natural History Museum helps us forget about our daily lives and forces us to step into another setting. Most exhibits provide examples of ecosystems that have not been affected by humans. Because of this, viewers are able to learn the natural benefits that each environment can provide when left untainted. Although some displays do account for human activity such as the display on the future of energy, displays like the barrier islands one are perfect examples of pieces that exclude our impact. Since the barrier islands are a delicate ecosystem, this display broadcasts the importance of the islands and causes guests to appreciate the beauty of this natural world.

In the top left photo, I capture the display on the barrier islands. The top right photo and the bottom right photo are both close ups of the text stands that teach up the importance of this habitat. In the bottom left photo, I stand next to this exhibit.

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