Apollo Rick Riordan By: Chris d

My summery: This book to me represented a lot I have always been a fan of Greek gods and now with this I just loved it. Now the story starts off with Apollo the son of Zeus he wakes up and he is stranded on earth in an ally. He is about to be beat up but then a young girl appears and helps him by using trash. Then there are a few pages with them introducing themselves to each other. then they decided to go to percy's house on the long way there they feel like they are being followed. then after they get to percys house they go to camp half blood. once they get to the gate a black death pops up but the girl summons the monster to kill the black deaths. there is a lot of confusion at camp half blood but finally Apollo gets to go back to being a god.

Personal review: Honestly I think that my teacher Mr. Georgans would enjoy this book. I am pretty sure that he likes the percy Jackson books and this book s just like that. It even has percy Jackson in it. It also has a lot of real connections of the real world. I loved the journey element in this book. I loved how they went on this long difficult journey and overcame it. but truthfully this book was my favorite in every aspect.

Outside sources:#1 The Trials of Apollo is Rick Riordan's new series, set after The Heroes of Olympus. The series will have five parts, with the first book, The Hidden Oracle, was released on May 3, 2016. [1] The series follows Apollo, who has been turned into a human as punishment from Zeus, and his journey at Camp Half-Blood

#2 Rick Riordan’s world of mythology, Greek Roman or Norse, is brought to life in the modern world with memorable characters like Percy Jackson, Magnus Chase, and Jason Grace. They are books I cannot stop reading and I’m sad when the book is over. As I purchased my copy of The Trials of Apollo, I knew I could rely on Riordan to deliver a great story and he didn’t disappoint.

Direct quote: Pg 89 Still I was shocked at how few demmy gods I saw.


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