How to survive on a desert island By etlliot Graham

Desert islands
Desert islands

Desert islands can be beautiful and spectacular but can be very hostile and dangerous. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be to survive on a desert island if so help is at hand read on to find out how.

Desert islands

Firs the most important aspect to survive on a desert island is to construct a shelter to stay Safe from the cold, rain and wind. A shelter will keep you safe from the elements, However you must stay visible aso rescue planes ore vehicles can spot you. Put large branches diagonally O that they are secure put leaves twigs and vegatasion inside.

Desert islands

Next, clear a space to build a fire this is important to keep warm boil water and stay visible. Build a rock line fire to stop it from spreading. Find wood for the fire. Use matches if you have them if not rub dry sticks together or youse magnified sunlight. Adisonally keep some palm wood at hand put them on the fire to send smoke signals to rescue vehicles and planes.

Desert islands

After that , in order to stay alert , streams are common in desert islands: they are a good source of water. Alough streams are are freshyou need to boil it for three to five minuets this means that all the bacteria is killed and the water is safe to drink.

Desert islands

Ice is good because the sun melts it down.

Finally you will need food to survive many plants such as berries mushrooms and leaves are a good source of nourishment. However plants with bright coulers are very dangerous Be cautions The survival guide will help you

By Elliot Graham


Created with images by gemb1 - "Perhentian islands/ Deserted Island/ Paradise" • BeHappYoga - "seychelles beach tropical island" • wuestenigel - "Turquoise paradise lake / Türkis Paradies See" • mrlins - "Laura beach"

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