Athena The Goddess of wisdom, craft, and war.

Athena's symbol was an owl, it symbolizes wisdom and victory.
She was often also with a snake. It also symbolizes wisdom.

As the goddess of arts and crafts, Athena was skilled at weaving, embroidery, and spinning. According to one myth, a woman named Arachne once challenged Athena to a weaving contest. After the contest, she turned Arachne into a spider so she could spend the rest of her life spinning.

She competed with Poseidon and she won by creating the olive tree; the Athenians would accept her gift and name the city after her!

The city of Athens.

Athena wears a crested helmet and carrying a spear and a shield. On her shield, called the aegis, was the head of Medusa, which could paralyze Athena's foes. Athena often had a snake and/or a owl on her shoulder.

In all of these pictures of Athena she has an owl with or around her.

In the 400's B.C., the Athenians dedicated a temple called the Parthenon to Athena.

The Parthenon.

The Romans identified their goddess Minerva with Athena.


Felson, Nancy. "Athena." World Book Student. World Book, 2017. Web. 5 Jan. 2017.

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