Toronto Fusion Restaurant Design/Hasti hojjatzadeh

My Restaurant name is Toronto Fusion.The restaurant located in Downtown Toronto and it's near a U of T university. Fusion is an Asian restaurant that is served Asian food like sushi and seafood. It has 2 floor that the second floor is for the people who wants to study and eat their food beside their work and they need a peaceful place.



10 Rough

3 Rough

comprehensive drawing

Final Logo

Final Work


For this restaurant design assignment, we should design a logo for our Restaurant name in illustrator and then put it on a sign of the restaurant’s picture that we like in the Photoshop. My restaurant name is Toronto Fusion and after I did some research about this name, I understood this restaurant is an Asian restaurant that is served Asian food like sushi, rice, fish and seafood. I decided to draw one thing that is related to restaurant like a glass, cup, and plate and then put the restaurant’s name beside the shape. I drew half of the wine glass and then I put the restaurant name inside the half of the glass. My inspiration is the photos and the signs of the restaurants that I searched or seen in the street. Most of the restaurant’s logo is just a letter but I liked to use a shape because I think it makes the logo more interesting and it makes the restaurant more stylish and I think it makes the customer to remember the restaurant’s name. I don’t have too many problems, I had just some problem for choosing my logo because I like most of them and I have some problem in the Photoshop part because I don’t have too much experience in it but my friend helped me and I could solve them. I think the coolest part of the peace is the part of the Photoshop that we should erase the name of the restaurant sign and place our logo on the sign. I like to work with the Photoshop skills that I learned. I will design the logo for any store that I like and then I’ll place it on the sign of the stores. It is so cool that you can choose any picture that you like and erase any thing that you want and change it to anything that you like.

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