Artemis' Athletics Unleash your inner beast

First let's start out with this one question:

What does archery do?
Archery works the core muscles, builds upper body strength, and increases flexibility.
But also helps improve mental focus, patience, and attention skills.

With all of these traits in mind I opened up my business: Artemis' Atheletics

To get away from my parents, Zeus and Leto, and my brother Apollo.

Where we dive into fitness that includes not only physical but also mental fitness.

60% of our procedures goes to helping endangered animals and saving the natural environment.

Such as, the Black-footed ferret, the Red panda, and the Arctic fox.

A membership is just $250 a month for getting to use our glorious equipment and our extravagant centers and classes.

CEO & Manager of Company~ Artemis

Other workers~ Artemis' Huntresses


Created with images by mickrh - "target archery arrow" • rihaij - "arch rider arch traditional bow" • Freepht - "tied up togetherness tying" • ElisaRiva - "head brain thoughts"

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