Jaden Montei DIGITAL PHOTPGRAPHY 1, PEriod 4

This photo is a picture of a heart. It is called light painting where the cameras shutter speed is at 30 seconds so it captures all the light in a motion.
This photo was about simplicity, mostly. i love this photo because of the contrast of the leaves bright colors against the dark sewer lid.
This photo was caught in September where the leaves were still on the trees.
This photo was a little difficult to catch because the bug wouldn't stay still on the dandelion.
This photo is a picture of a slug eating an apple in the courtyard.

I make art because i enjoy capturing beautiful moments and i love the feeling of pushing the button of a camera. What inspires me to make it is my teacher Mr. Wistrand and my friend Riley. What my art represents is seeing things in a new point of view or perspective. What is unique about it is i don't really have a theme when it comes to taking photos. What this means is i don't just take pictures of just one thing, if i know it'll be a nice photo and it's creative, i'll take a picture of it. What it means to me about my art is it's amazing and now i know what would make a good photo that people will want to see.

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