Bill O'Reilly on ACLU by: Evrick Williams

Fox News host Bill O'Reilly labeled the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) a "terrorist group" for filing a lawsuit against Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and for opposing Bush administration anti-terrorism measures that the group believes are unconstitutional.The lawsuit accuses Rumsfeld of approving illegal interrogation methods that led to the torture and abuse of detainees in U.S. military custody; the ACLU also believes that measures such as federal "no-fly" lists and expanded investigative and surveillance powers for federal law enforcement under the USA Patriot Act are unconstitutional. O'Reilly added: "They're terrorizin' me and my family. They're terrorizing me. I think they're terrorists."

By Bill O'Reilly

The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU, set up to protect freedom of expression in America and as you may know the ACLU is a committed left wing outfit. But now, some other very liberal people are trying to shut down free speech and the ACLU is silent about it.

Here is a vivid example. Writing in the Harvard Crimson Paper editorialist Sandra Korn says quote, "It's tempting to decry frustrating restrictions on academic research as violations of academic freedom. Yet I would encourage student and worker organizers to instead use a framework of justice. After all, if we give up our obsessive reliance on the doctrine of academic freedom, we can consider more thoughtfully what is just."

Media matters for America on Bill O'Reilly about the ACLU -

Fox News on Bill O'Reillys freedom of speech attacked by the ACLU he says -

Bill O'Reillys main website and on that website there is a section that he talks about the ACLU -


Created with images by DonkeyHotey - "Bill O'Reilly - Caricature"

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