I.D.V.A.A Injured/disabled veterans assistance association


I.D.V.A.A is a group designed to assist and help veterans better themselves after serving our country, the association is designed to lobby change in the V.A, some of their main causes include unlimited healthcare, mental and physical rehabilitation, and housing options depending on their situation.

Over 31% of Vietnam veterans suffer from PTSD
I.D.V.A.A was founded in order to give extra benefits to veterans the suffer from physical and mental illness, they do this by working with the V.A. and the general public to petition for better healthcare and pushes for treatment.

Once this is achieved I.D.V.A.A will continue to crowd fund companies that offer services like transportation, and physical therapy for injured or disabled veterans.

Another goal held by I.D.V.A.A is decreasing the unemployment rate in the veteran community, they plan to do this by creating jobs related and attached to the military.

Created By
Joseph Fields


Created with images by MikeBird - "soldier old military" • Conal Gallagher - "Flags"

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